South beach is located in the Miami Beach area in Florida State, USA. John S.Collins, Lummus brothers had made his efforts that beach since in 1910’s first sections of the beach. In past to present that beach is too famous in worldwide. In South beach, including more cheap Miami beach hotels, restaurants, rentals beach items and other organization as well as private fun company has situated at there. In both time, such as nighttime and daytime have much more fun and entertainment options open at the beach just like, hundreds of cheap hotels, restaurants, bars, nightclub, and boutiques. The American and European tourist comes here therefore that area too popular. 2000 of residents is located at the beach and enjoyed with their fun and verity of languages. As the South beach and his nearby area have much more awesome things to see like Miami Beach Cultural Campus, Jewish Holocaust Memorial, Miami Beach Botanical Garden, Espanola Way, if you stayed at few days then you watch that places with more knowledge and ad ventures, however, don’t forget that’s beach feature because its too wide and you can’t enjoy at few days. But if you have few day then take rest of fun at suggest points. Here world first story telling car tours are famous which called Gocar GPS tours, In which tours you visit most famous places with telling a story by a guide with adventure. At Washington avenue the Miami duck tours to be found about 90 minute, purchase a tickets and get a tours at there about 90 minute and watch much more duck at there with boating at there. Beach is the most probably point of the Miami beach there for you hire the beach chair with a umbrella and watch the beach fun activities with taste of some famous nearby restaurants meals, Nice beach with nice activities and fun. You can do here fishing, swimming, surfing, fun, entertainment, walking, sun bathing, fly fishing, camping, hotel enjoyment and other some activities to be found at there. Nice place at the Florida state.